Posted by : Ldonjibon
Saturday, May 31
I have been busy 4 sometime now though... i was trying to be balanced so i can kept my readers updated. Now i am back 4 good in Jesus Name.
What i brought today is something most of us have probably known one way or the other. Even when i said most have known yet their are people out there who dont have any idea of how thing work.....
As you must have read from the title of post. Easiet way to download youtube videos on any blackberry device.
1. Download Ucweb browser becoz this browser is the best for downloading large files and it has resume and pause your download incase of emergency like flat battery, finished data plan etc..
2. Goto Url and input then send. Now search for any video you want to dowmload .. From the list of searches click on your video it will take you to the video's page.
What i brought today is something most of us have probably known one way or the other. Even when i said most have known yet their are people out there who dont have any idea of how thing work.....
As you must have read from the title of post. Easiet way to download youtube videos on any blackberry device.
1. Download Ucweb browser becoz this browser is the best for downloading large files and it has resume and pause your download incase of emergency like flat battery, finished data plan etc..
2. Goto Url and input then send. Now search for any video you want to dowmload .. From the list of searches click on your video it will take you to the video's page.
3. Now, try to save the bookmark while doing that, change to .. if you check well you see that all you need to change is just "" to "ssyoutube".
4. When you get to that page, you will be provided with options of which format to download like Mp4 360p, Mp4 720, Flv etc i am used to downloading Mp4 360p.
5. After that you will taken to a page like that where you will see some grammar that Ucweb cloud cannot download from this site or something.. JUST IGNORE THE JAGON SIMPLY REFRESH THE PAGE VOILA! you will prompted to save your file by Ucweb just select you folder you want the video to saved to then click "save"
I hope i have sovled some people's problem? if you have any question dont hesistate pls the comment box is there you...
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