Posted by : Ldonjibon
Saturday, August 3
According to this posts BBM is Finally Coming to iOS and Android and BBM is Finally Coming to iOS and Android 2 and some other tweets which was posted earlier stating that bbm will be on Android 4.0 and higher and iOS6 by june 27th. Yes "am coming of God may not be even be 100 years to come" make i leave story an online pics as been spotted at BGR.COM where a picture of how blackberry messenger look.
the picture is of
the login screen on a Samsung Galaxy S3 — more of the pictures can't be shown due
to identifying marks, according to BGR the software was not a bad idea afterall and it should be released in the not-too-distant future. BlackBerry has publicly
announced that BlackBerry Messenger for iOS and Android is set to be released
sometime before the end of summer.